Author Peter Roy's uniquely effective paradigm is the result of thousands of observations and hundreds of interviews with thriving couples where the men are extraordinarily successful
in their relationships with women.
The twenty-four chapters of the Gentleman's Almanac are based upon an integrated set of core concepts and skill-based practices. You will find blueprints extracted from real-life lessons learned from men who have both created and maintained extraordinarily successful relationships with women. The hundreds of men who contributed their examples of success to this book are at their core - each and every one - true Gentlemen.
This is profoundly important for you to recognize. The changes in the power over your private life gained by the insights of this book will have nothing to do with: how you look, your weight, your money, your race, the culture you come from, or whether you are a very young man or a certified antique. Yeah, turns out that shit doesn’t matter much.
Wrenching on cars in Compton, plowing a field in Chaing Mai, banging out code in Pakistan, or riding polo ponies at Oxford. Every single one of these relationship skills to become exceptional with women applies directly to you. These principles work all around the world no matter what cultural blanket you live under.
What we have to say here is different and it works. It's not about techniques; 'do these five tricks and she’ll give you that thing you want' which works at best randomly and temporarily. It’s also not about transactional marketplace thinking; 'offer her all this stuff, and she will give you that thing you want', which sounds plausible on Youtube but only rarely works when standing on the head of a pin out in the real world.
This paradigm is different, very different. You win the real-life game here of real relationships with your skills. Step by logical step, each chapter here builds upon the previous one, bringing you to a comprehensive set of understandings and practices. Take your time to allow each chapter to settle in. It might take a while. The concepts are thick. Individual chapters might look quite different to you when visited again a few years out.
Please join us on a very private journey to your mastery and success. For many men success in your intimate relationships may be the single most important determiner of your life experience.
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